
Aalto University’s campus area in Otaniemi, Espoo, is located about 10 kilometers from the center of Helsinki. Otaniemi can be reached directly from the Helsinki city center by metro and bus, and it has good public transport connections from the rest of Espoo and Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. Aalto University metro station is approximately 11 minutes from Kamppi station (Helsinki).

Single metro, light rail, tram, or bus tickets can be bought in advance at the ticket machines or from the HSL mobile application. The same ticket is valid on buses and the metro.


Address: Otakaari 24, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland
Entrance: Events entrance

Hack the Networks 2024 takes place on 17–18 May 2024 in Dipoli, Espoo. Dipoli is located in the Aalto University’s campus area in Otaniemi, Espoo. Dipoli is the main building of Aalto University and a popular meeting place.

Metro (station: Aalto University)

The metro ride from Kamppi (Helsinki) to Aalto University’s campus area in Otaniemi takes 11 minutes. The right exit from the Aalto University metro station to Dipoli is via Otaniementie exit. Walking distance to Dipoli is about seven minutes.

The metro line ends in the west in Tapiola or Kivenlahti (Espoo), and in the east Vuosaari or Mellunmäki (Helsinki). Metros run every 2.5–5 minutes at Aalto University.

By bus and light rail

Besides some bus lines serve Otaniemi: 52, 111, 550, 510 and 555. All these busses stop by the Aalto University metro station, entrance A (Otaniementie).

Light rail line 15 runs to Otaniemi. The nearest station to Dipoli is Aalto University metro station.

Airport connection

  • Otaniemi is approximately 22 km away from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport.
  • Taxi fare is around 40 euros (travel time about 30 minutes).
  • Public transport from the airport takes about an hour: either the train or bus the Helsinki Central Railway station and metro to Aalto University (metro station), or the train to Huopalahti and change to light rail line 15 stopping at Aalto University (metro station).


A large paid outdoor parking area is located in front of Dipoli. All parking fees are managed through EasyPark and Parkman. The Easypark/Parman area code is 543, which can be found in the parking area and in the application when parking.

Event rules

Authorized Access Only: Participants must obtain explicit permission from the challenge provider before conducting any security testing activities. Unauthorized access to systems, networks, or data is strictly prohibited.

Respect the Scope: Participants are required to limit their testing activities to the systems and applications specified in the scope provided by the event organizers. Testing outside the defined scope is not permitted. No sharing the information between the challenges. At the event, there are three distinct challenges hosted by different organizations. Discussions concerning vulnerabilities discovered in each challenge are to be exclusively conducted with the respective challenge organization. Conversations about vulnerabilities identified within a challenge are not to be shared with other organizations.

Responsible Disclosure: Any vulnerabilities discovered during testing must be reported promptly and responsibly to the challenge owners according to separately given instructions. Participants are expected to provide detailed documentation, including steps to reproduce the vulnerabilities.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Participants must respect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals and organizations whose systems they are testing. They must not access, modify, or disclose any sensitive information without proper authorization and participants must obey all challenge partners NDAs.

Non-Destructive Testing: Participants must conduct testing in a non-destructive manner. They should refrain from causing any damage or disruption to systems, networks, or data during the testing process.

No Exploitation for Personal Gain: Participants must not exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or engage in any malicious activities. The primary goal is to identify and address security vulnerabilities to improve overall security posture within the challenges.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Participants must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards governing cybersecurity and ethical hacking activities.

Respectful Communication: Participants must communicate respectfully and professionally with event organizers and fellow participants, ensuring no aggressive or disrespectful behavior. They should respect personal space, time, and boundaries, avoid offensive language, and promote a positive, inclusive environment for collaboration. Additionally, participants should be mindful of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and opinions, refraining from making assumptions or judgments based on stereotypes, and remain open to learning from others with different experiences and viewpoints.

Adherence to Event Rules: Participants must familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines of the event and ensure compliance throughout their participation. Any violations of the event rules may result in disqualification or removal from the event premises.
